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On Snaps

On Snaps

I hate them. And what is a blog if it isn’t a place to b*tch? Amiright?

We got a bunch of hand-me-down clothes, two huge tubs of them. I was SO thankful for them. First, because they were free and second, because it meant I didn’t have to go shopping for baby clothes. Win win. Heres the problem though: All of the jammies that we got as hand-me-downs had snaps. SNAPS. Who thought snaps on baby clothes were a good idea? WHO?

One night early on, I put Ransom in a cute pair of jammies that had snaps. Such a newb mistake. At the first feeding of the night, he pooped - of course, what was I expecting? I had to undo and redo 13409853098 snaps not once but THREE times that night. Do you know how hard it is to redo snaps when a baby is hungry screaming and flailing in the middle of the night? When you are so addled from sleep deprivation that just walking to the changing table without dropping the baby is a major feat? It’s next to impossible.

From that moment on, I announced a complete and total boycott of all clothing with snaps in my house until Ransom was sleeping through the night.

This photo is of him in the offending outfit, and what I looked like after a night of snap wrestling. My mom took it on her trusty iPhone.

Mothers Day

Mothers Day

The "Kid Question"

The "Kid Question"