

Welcome! Take a look around and let me know what you think.

Or don’t. It’s up to you.

The Bathroom that has been in Limbo for a year.

The Bathroom that has been in Limbo for a year.

27 week pregnant me, thought it would be a really good idea to strip the wallpaper in our downstairs bathroom. How hard to could it be to take the wallpaper off, and repaint? Very hard, it turns out. I don’t know what they used to adhere that stuff, but its never coming off that drywall. After about a month of struggling with the wallpaper glue, I admitted defeat, and there it has sat —for the last year.

This is what it looked like. Please notice the camo formica countertop and rusted sink, and the streaks of naaaasty wallpaper glue still on the walls despite my best efforts. Every time we had people over, we would apologize for the disgusting state of our bathroom. It actually looked like large amounts of snot smeared on the wall.


We planned a weekend, we bought all the supplies, we debated (fought) over all the details and the design, we bought one sink, and then returned it for another, we went WAY over budget, but we finally completed our DIY bathroom remodel.

More importantly, we stayed married, and completed the bathroom remodel.

And now I will reveal it, in all its glory.


I ended up putting fabric up on the walls because that wallpaper glue wasn’t coming off, and our only other option was replacing the drywall. NO THANKS.

Anyway, if you come over to our house, be sure to gush about it because we need the validation.



