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Thrifting 101: Consistency

Thrifting 101: Consistency

Thrifting is kind of a long game.

I know, it sucks. I’d love to be able to go to any thrift store any time and find all the things, but at least 50% of the time I leave without finding anything. Other days, IM ON FIRE, and I leave with a cartload. Sometimes it depends on my mood and nothing speaks to me, other times the store just seems picked over.


Keep going. You aren’t going to find a treasure every time you treasure hunt, and thats okay. I rotate through three local thrift stores in my area on a weekly basis (meaning I go to one of the three every week, not all three every week, that would be A LOT for someone who thrifts for fun not for profit). That way, I’m not seeing the same things week after week.

I’ve also found that some of my best finds are when I’m not looking for anything specific. If you go in looking for a floor lamp, you are going to feel discouraged if you don’t find one. If you meander in on a Thursday totally open to what the thrifting gods have for you, you might find that floor lamp, and some vintage coupe glasses too, idk.

All I’m saying is doing give up after one trip.

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Featured on Redfin!

The One Where we Sold Our House, got Pregnant, and Moved Twice During a Pandemic

The One Where we Sold Our House, got Pregnant, and Moved Twice During a Pandemic